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Program: Circle of Music October 2023

‘Circle of Music’ will include singing, playing age-appropriate instruments, movement, listening, creative musical play, and integrated children’s literature. This class is sponsored by the Central Oak Heights Association and recommended for children ages 0-5 and their caregivers. Classes run Mondays, October 2- October 23 (4 sessions). Registration required.

Two session times are available:
0-2 year olds: 9:00 am-9:45 am
3-5 year olds: 10:00 am-10:45 am

The cost is $20 per child. 

This camp is sponsored by the Central Oaks Heights Association.

The mission of the “Circle of Music '' classes at the LCM is to provide infants, toddlers, and preschoolers, accompanied by an adult, with a time of age-appropriate musical learning activities. The class time is specifically designed for children of these ages. Because of the size of the room, the number of adults attending, and the level of activity, we want to create a safe learning environment for all.

Refund Policy: Please read our refund policy found here.

LCM Waiver and Consent:

I, as parent/guardian, permit the Lewisburg Children’s Museum (known hereafter as LCM) to use pictures of my child(ren) as a program participant in promotional literature, videos, and the LCM website. I understand my child(ren)’s name(s) will not be published. I hereby assume all risks and hazards incidental to the conduct of the activities at the LCM and other field trip locations (if applicable) and transportation to and from the activities (if applicable). My Child is fit for the program(s) in which I have enrolled him/her. I, as parent/guardian, do hereby agree to release, discharge, and hold harmless the LCM, its trustees, officers, agents, and employees of and from all causes, liabilities, damages, claims, or demands whatsoever on account of any injury or accident involving the said minor arising out of my child’s participation in this program.

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  • Lewisburg Children's Museum
    815 Market Street, Suite 14
    Lewisburg, PA, 17837
    Call us now: (570)-768-4914