Dig and Discover Camp (7.14.25-7.18.25, 9am-12pm)
Step into the shoes of an archaeologist and excavate a mock dig site, uncover artifacts, and learn about past civilizations. Uncover, reconstruct and study artifacts and learn to use archaelogical tools as we dig into history! This camp is a drop off camp and recommended for children 6-11 years old (kindergarten completion is required).
Non-member: $150; Member: $135. Members, use coupon code "member" at check out. Membership status will be confirmed.
LCM Waiver and Consent:
I, as parent/guardian, permit the Lewisburg Children’s Museum (known hereafter as LCM) to use pictures of my child(ren) as a program participant in promotional literature, videos, and the LCM website. I understand my child(ren)’s name(s) will not be published. I hereby assume all risks and hazards incidental to the conduct of the activities at the LCM and other field trip locations (if applicable) and transportation to and from the activities (if applicable). My Child is fit for the program(s) in which I have enrolled him/her. I, as parent/guardian, do hereby agree to release, discharge, and hold harmless the LCM, its trustees, officers, agents, and employees of and from all causes, liabilities, damages, claims, or demands whatsoever on account of any injury or accident involving the said minor arising out of my child’s participation in this program.
LCM Refund Policy
The LCM reserves the right to cancel classes or programs for low enrollment, severe weather, or other unforeseen circumstances. In the event the LCM cancels a program, participants will be notified and registration will be refunded. Camp transfers are possible on a case by case basis. Space in each session is limited. Registrations are processed on a first-come, first-served basis.
If a request for program transfer or withdrawal is received...
- At least one month before the first day of the program session, you may choose to transfer to another program session, of equal or lesser value, space permitting, or receive a full refund of the program registration fee.
- At least two weeks before the first day of the program session, you may choose to transfer to another program session, of equal or lesser value, space permitting, or receive a refund of 50% the program registration fee.
- Less than two weeks before the first day of the program session, no transfer or refund requests will be honored.