Museum Rental - Sunday Summer (3:00 pm-5:00 pm)
The Lewisburg Children's Museum is available for private functions. Enjoy having the Museum to yourself with full access to all our interactive displays and areas for play and exploration!? Museum rentals are two hours long and accommodates up to 80 total guests and can take place when the Museum is not open to the general public.The following policies apply:
Payment is due in full at time of reservation and is nonrefundable.
Museum rentals must be arranged at least two weeks prior to the date of your event
Museum rentals are two hours long and accommodates up to 80 total guests and can take place when the Museum is not open to the general public.
The museum requires a 1:5 ratio for rentals. For every five children, there must be one supervising adult. DIRECT ADULT SUPERVISION MUST BE PROVIDED FOR CHILDREN IN THE EXHIBITS DURING THE PARTY.
Cost: $400 Non-Member/ $360 Members
LCM Member? Use discount code "MemberBDay" at checkout. Memberships will be confirmed.
Rentals are available (Memorial Day-Labor Day):
Sundays: 12:00 pm-2:00 pm; 3:00 pm-5:00 pm
Museum Rentals are available after 5:00 pm
Rentals are available (Labor Day-Memorial Day):
Museum Rentals are available after 5:00 pm
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